Photos & Video: Scanning, Printing, Conversion recommendations
A nice CNET article on scanning and organizing your photos is HERE
- An excellent 3-minute CNET video on options for converting your VHS tapes to DVD is HERE
Some sources for digital conversion of your photos, slides, negatives, audio and video tapes (no recommendations though, so check them out thoroughly before giving them your valuable materials!)
Professional scanning possibilities
Dean Sh. thinks this group is mighty good
Another good place for slide scanning according to Dean Sh. (more expensive but all work done in USA)
- For those in the Cincinnati area, Dean Sh. says Robin Imaging is good for large format scanning (a high-quality, more expensive option)
- One other group with REALLY local ties to east Cincinnati is Photos Finished No first-hand experiences yet, but they sound promising!
- (better quality?) and (solid quality) offer photo print options
- Here are some thoughts on photo digitizing from Kim Komando
- – a nice video montage (free during COVID-19)
- Working with your own home movies? Check out what the Center for Home Movies has to share!
- Legacybox – digitizing your photos, films, …
Poetry: PICTURES by Marianne Davis (listed here with author agreement – thanks Marianne!)